Exploring the spatial network of medieval elite mobility

Exploring the spatial network of Late Byzantine history: an interactive map of 336 localities connected through the mobility of 2402 members of the Byzantine elite in the years 1282 to 1402


Johannes Preiser-Kapeller has created a database of more than 2400 individuals and 330 places (on the basis of the Prosopographisches Lexikon der Palaiologenzeit, augmented with additional data) and a network model of these places connected due to the mobility of people in the years 1282 to 1402 CE. You can now explore this network online if you follow the link above. One can also only look at the distribution of places by unselecting the network layer. More sophisticated interactive visualisations of the data are under construction, but this site provides a first impression of the density and amount of connections of Late Byzantium.


More information on the underlying database you can find here: https://www.academia.edu/8247283/A_new_view_on_a_century_of_Byzantine_history_The_Vienna_Network_Model_of_the_Byzantine_Elite_1282-1402

The database is part of the project "Mapping Medieval Conflicts" (https://oeaw.academia.edu/MappingMedievalConflict)

More on this project and the underlying methodology you can also learn here: https://www.academia.edu/19333312/Calculating_the_Middle_Ages_The_project_Complexities_and_networks_in_the_Medieval_Mediterranean_and_Near_East_COMMED_